146 research outputs found

    Utility of dynamical seasonal forecasts in predicting crop yield

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    Advance predictions of crop yield using crop simulation models require daily weather input for the whole growing season. Seasonal forecasts, based on coupled ocean–atmosphere climate models, are now available up to 6 mo in advance from a number of operational meteorological centres around the world. Seasonal forecasts are not directly suitable for crop simulations, because of model biases and mismatch of spatial and temporal scales. However, it is possible to utilise seasonal forecasts for yield predictions by constructing site-specific daily weather using a stochastic weather generator linked to seasonal forecasts. In our study, we use the LARS-WG weather generator and a subset of predictions by DEMETER (Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble system for seasonal to inTERannual climate prediction), i.e. seasonal ensemble hindcasts from the general circulation model (GCM) of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting) for 1980–2001. To assess the value of seasonal forecasts, 2 sets of scenarios were created, one based on seasonal forecasts and the other on historical climatology. The Sirius wheat simulation model was used to compute distributions of wheat yield at 2 locations in Europe and New Zealand. The main conclusion is that the use of dynamical seasonal forecasts at selected sites has not improved yield predictions compared with the approach based on historical climatology. The likely reason is that for dynamic seasonal forecasts, the skill score for temperature and precipitation is generally low for latitudes higher than 30° for northern and southern hemispheres, and our test locations are at 47.6°N and 43.6°S

    ENSEMBLES: a new multi-model ensemble for seasonal-to-annual predictions: Skill and progress beyond DEMETER in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs

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    A new 46-year hindcast dataset for seasonal-to-annual ensemble predictions has been created using a multi-model ensemble of 5 state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere-ocean circulation models. The multi-model outperforms any of the single-models in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs because of reduced RMS errors and enhanced ensemble dispersion at all lead-times. Systematic errors are considerably reduced over the previous generation (DEMETER). Probabilistic skill scores show higher skill for the new multi-model ensemble than for DEMETER in the 4–6 month forecast range. However, substantially improved models would be required to achieve strongly statistical significant skill increases. The combination of ENSEMBLES and DEMETER into a grand multi-model ensemble does not improve the forecast skill further. Annual-range hindcasts show anomaly correlation skill of ∌0.5 up to 14 months ahead. A wide range of output from the multi-model simulations is becoming publicly available and the international community is invited to explore the full scientific potential of these data

    Bias adjustment and ensemble recalibration methods for seasonal forecasting: a comprehensive intercomparison using the C3S dataset

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    This work presents a comprehensive intercomparison of diferent alternatives for the calibration of seasonal forecasts, ranging from simple bias adjustment (BA)-e.g. quantile mapping-to more sophisticated ensemble recalibration (RC) methods- e.g. non-homogeneous Gaussian regression, which build on the temporal correspondence between the climate model and the corresponding observations to generate reliable predictions. To be as critical as possible, we validate the raw model and the calibrated forecasts in terms of a number of metrics which take into account diferent aspects of forecast quality (association, accuracy, discrimination and reliability). We focus on one-month lead forecasts of precipitation and temperature from four state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting systems, three of them included in the Copernicus Climate Change Service dataset (ECMWF-SEAS5, UK Met Ofce-GloSea5 and Météo France-System5) for boreal winter and summer over two illustrative regions with diferent skill characteristics (Europe and Southeast Asia). Our results indicate that both BA and RC methods efectively correct the large raw model biases, which is of paramount importance for users, particularly when directly using the climate model outputs to run impact models, or when computing climate indices depending on absolute values/thresholds. However, except for particular regions and/or seasons (typically with high skill), there is only marginal added value-with respect to the raw model outputs-beyond this bias removal. For those cases, RC methods can outperform BA ones, mostly due to an improvement in reliability. Finally, we also show that whereas an increase in the number of members only modestly afects the results obtained from calibration, longer hindcast periods lead to improved forecast quality, particularly for RC methods.This work has been funded by the C3S activity on Evaluation and Quality Control for seasonal forecasts. JMG was partially supported by the project MULTI-SDM (CGL2015-66583-R, MINECO/FEDER). FJDR was partially funded by the H2020 EUCP project (GA 776613)

    What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service prototypes?

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    The international effort toward climate services, epitomised by the development of the Global Framework for Climate Services and, more recently the launch of Copernicus Climate Change Service has renewed interest in the users and the role they can play in shaping the services they will eventually use. Here we critically analyse the results of the five climate service prototypes that were developed as part of the EU funded project EUPORIAS. Starting from the experience acquired in each of the projects we attempt to distil a few key lessons which, we believe, will be relevant to the wider community of climate service developers

    Chapter 11 - Near-term climate change: Projections and predictability

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    This chapter assesses the scientific literature describing expectations for near-term climate (present through mid-century). Unless otherwise stated, "near-term" change and the projected changes below are for the period 2016-2035 relative to the reference period 1986-2005. Atmospheric composition (apart from CO2; see Chapter 12) and air quality projections through to 2100 are also assessed
